Colin Nekritz


Professional Development for Teams, your edge over the competition

Pre-pandemic, the average worker in the US spent more hours with their co-workers than your loved ones, families, friends, or those close to you; others spent more hours with their coworkers than they did sleeping. So I have to ask you, should the time with your coworkers be worth it?

The last thing anyone would want it is working with a dysfunctional group of people, and yet, organizations are rampant with people who are the wrong fit for the wrong job or they’re the right fit but placed in the wrong job.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ve worked with organizations from almost every industry to help build cohesive, effective teams where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, where everyone’s strengths contribute to the power of the team.

Teams are like puzzles, but they’re not that complex regardless of four, forty or, as was the case at Coca-Cola where I worked, 400. Get the entire team on the same page and a picture is revealed. Do you want people, including yourself, to wake up excited to go to work, not only because of the service they’re providing to the company, but also because they can’t wait to get to their employers to work with their collaborative teammates? This isn’t fantasy, this is reality.

No worries, while I will get your team to work well together with marked improvement in performance and inter-relational dynamics, I won’t make them do what’s being pictured here, unless you actually want me to.

What you get with my team training:

  • Assessments to find out each and every team member’s strength
  • A thorough debrief with the team(s) leadership, be it VP, director, or person(s) in charge
  • Facilitation of debriefs with the team, groups, or individually if necessary, giving them insights into their own unique and then combined value(s) to the organization. This is normally done in a half-day either on-site or off-site room with exercises to get them to understand their dynamic. With the pandemic this has been done almost as well using Zoom.
  • Buy-in from team members to understand one another’s value position as they relate to the others (the cheesy word of “synergy”)
  • A comprehensive action plan custom-created along with accountability that will be industry, organization, and team-specific along with exercises to build collaboration over politics and personality conflicts (equity vs. equality)
  • Rousing training that will lay the foundation for your team to have a competitive advantage be it over other teams in the corporation or the competition
  • (Optional) follow-up training with internal groups, teams, and willingness to work one-on-one or one-on-few within the group to smooth over issues that may go beyond team training (with three decades of experience, I know reality isn’t always fluff-and-fold)

Team training has been shown to be one of the best investments any organization can make on employees and the bottom line… period! With team training, there’s higher morale, lower turnover, more eagerness to get the job done and right the first time, better collaboration, creativity, and job satisfaction. You have everything to gain, especially revenue and company value, and comparably nothing to lose to invest in team training.

Note: I work with one-to-two other brilliant team trainers depending on size of the teams, both have literal decades of both team training and instructional design and are fantastic in their own right.

Team training is based on team size and scope, this said, as mentioned, the cost-per-person is often dwarfed by ROI, often within the first year if an employee stays as it costs as much as $5,000 or more to go through the hiring process and retrain a (one) employee and the per-person for team training cost far lower.

Save your organization time and money, invest in your team today by setting up a phone call!

I look forward to working with you. Any questions, reach out to me through the contact page!